Sinead O’ Connor licenzia il suo staff e lancia accuse sul suo compenso

Sinead O’ Connor, non nuova alle polemica, ultimamente ne ha scatenata una nuova, scrivendo di tutto sul suo profilo Facebook. Al centro della polemica c’è il suo staff e un compenso a suo giudizio inadeguato per i suoi concerti.


Al grido di “mi hanno pagata 500 euro per tre concerti”, la cantante ha sparato a zero su tutto il suo management, pubblicando un documento con tutte le cifre dei concerti tenuti in Germania, di quanto le è stato dato e quanto le stato addebitato paragonandolo a quanto ottenuto dal resto dello staff. Insomma, l’artista si è sentita truffata e ha ben pensato di licenziare tutto lo staff, compresa la booking agent italiana, Rita Zappador, che si è prontamente difesa tagliandosi fuori dalle decisioni che sono appannaggio esclusivo del management di cui non fa parte.

Questo il documento postato e le esatte parole della O’ Connor:

sinead o connor

Observe below… What I got paid for three shows in Germany, FIVE HUNDRED EURO as compared to what everyone else got paid. The last two figures on this list amount to what the agent Rita Zappador and Modus In Rebus got, €11,700.00. The €47,700.00 is the total of what my four and a half hours’ work generated. Pls note the document is page 9 of 7! This is the type of dodgy documents we are being provided with. This is the sodding insurance document !!! In the end the agent didn’t even pay me the five hundred. SHE DOCKED ME FOUR THOUSAND! So my work generated almost €48k but cost me €4k. Pls note bands do not arrange these things themselves. One’s business managers and agents do. One trusts one is not being lied to when one is seduced to go on tour by being assured of earnings. Our job is to shake our asses and sing nice. Management’s job is to fight off every cunt that wants to rip us off. MASSIVE negligence cases to be brought by me against every member of my now ex management team. Not only for the below but for several even more appalling and wreckless negligences, which have cost me hundreds of thousands of euro which I was illegally told was my obligation to pay, and it was NOT my legal obligation. In short I have been ass raped by Rita Zappador and Modus in Rebus with the full (written, and totally behind my back, without my knowledge) support of Simon Napier Bell, Bjorn De Water and my now ex accountant. ALL of whom need to lawyer up, and get ready for the fraud squad.